The meticulous gathering of those tiny goodies got me to thinking and ultimately realizing that I love a variety of crumbs, both sweet and savory. My daughter and I, for example, fight over the very unhealthy, yet highly delicous crumbs that are left at the bottom of my Southern Fried Chicken pan (it's called fried, but it's baked...see the recipe below). These morsels have been known to be noshed surreptitiously in the kitchen while guests wait patiently to be served their meal in the dining room. Their crunchy, oily yumminess could easily be packaged and sold if I felt like clogging the world's arteries.
The topping on my challah is known in my family as 'Crumba Crumba'. I start with equal handfuls of flour and brown sugar. I then add cinnamon (eyeball it) and then slowly add oil (you can use margerine) until the desired consistency is achieved. Inevitably, some crumbs fall off the challah while cooking. Those end up missing in action before the challah has a chance to cool. And for some reason that I fail to understand, the crumbs that fall off the challah and go AWOL onto the challah board are extremely coveted by the partakers. The victor at the dinner table is the one who grabs the biggest crumb to place on top of his or her slice.
Of course, 'crumb' toppings are the essence of apple (or whatever fruit) 'crumbles'. Don't be fooled by those people who ooh and aah over the fruity sweetness. It's all a ploy to enjoy the crumble. It's the crumbs that make the dessert. The more I think about it, the more I believe that I'm not alone in this world. I think people like crumbs.
I haven't completely figured it all out, but I think eating crumbs is akin to licking a spoon. Somehow, whatever you're eating might be delicious, but finishing it off by licking the spoon makes whatever you're eating extra special. Same goes with crumbs. Just when you think you've finished, there's a teeny tiny treat still left to be enjoyed.
Crumbs. What an enigma...a nuisance to clean, but ever so tasty to eat!
Southern Fried Chicken
Skinless pieces dipped in vegetable oil flavoured with garlic powder and Pereg Barbecue Chicken spice, and then cornflake crumbs. Place on rack to let chicken crunch up and bake at 400 for 1 hour. Turn chicken half way through cooking
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